A trial lawyer trained in the field of Personal Injury can help you navigate your case and understand the laws that apply to the facts of your case. Insurance adjusters are trained by their companies on how to handle these cases to best protect their company’s interests. You should also have someone protecting your legal interests. It is hard to represent yourself when you are suffering from serious and severe injuries and then be expected to teach yourself the law and legal procedure. Many times these individuals may be on prescription medications and/or lack essential sleep due to chronic pain. It is very important to make sure you have someone who understands your type of injury and is prepared to hold the wrongdoer legally responsible.
The wrongdoer needs to know you are prepared and able to take them to trial. All of our cases are prepared as if they are going to trial from the start. This way you are best prepared for trial should that be the case. Speak with one of our injury lawyers to discuss your potential case and answer your questions.
Why You Should Hire Injury Lawyers for a Personal Injury Claim
- Experience. We have 48 years of combined experience. Let the Defendant and the insurance company know they are dealing with someone who has a record of holding individuals legally responsible for their actions;
- Results. We have helped thousands of injured people. We invite you to read our client testimonials.
- Your opponents have legal representation and so should you. Do not let the legal and medical terminology and procedure frustrate you;
- The law is always changing. If you represent yourself, it is difficult to ensure you are up to date with changes in the law;
Start with the Help of our Personal Injury Lawyers
Our office works on a contingency basis. This means it makes no difference in our fee whether you hire us at the beginning of your case because we only receive a fee if we recover on your case. It is actually better for clients to hire us immediately and earlier because it doesn’t cost you anything extra and you get immediate legal advice and service.
We understand that your injury may affect your ability to live life to the fullest. Our science and technology has not reached a level where it is possible to cure and relieve many injuries. You may end up with chronic pain, numbness, loss of sleep, and physical limitations and restrictions for the rest of your life. It is important to make sure you are financially compensated for these losses to not only protect your future but your families’ future.
To learn more and to see if we can help, call us at 314-631-6777.